

"In 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin published a paper titled Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Search Engine, in which they outlined the core technology behind Google and the theory behind PageRank. Now, twelve years after that paper was published, the team behind social search engine Aardvark has drafted its own research paper that looks at the social side of search. Dubbed Anatomy of a Large-Scale Social Search Engine, the paper has just been accepted to WWW2010, the same conference where the classic Google paper was published."

More of the article (found via TechCrunch) here: http://www.techcrunch.com/2010/02/02/aardvark-research/

The abstract of the actual paper released today: http://vark.com/aardvarkFinalWWW2010.pdf

There are many interesting digital media legal implications of this.  To discuss.

1 comment:

E Jacob said...

Prescient :)

@TechCrunch: Google Acquires Aardvark For $50 million - http://tcrn.ch/dqJgfV